Lighting the Way to A Healthier Life.
Revolutionary Filtered Far-UVC Disinfection
Lumenlabs® is a global company dedicated to creating Filtered Far-UVC based solutions to continuously sanitize spaces where we live, work and play - safely and effectively.
Our Solution
Introducing the Lumenizer®
The revolutionary Lumenizer® is an effective, safe, efficient solution that continuously and safely disinfects occupied spaces. The Lumenizer® is customizable and allows for Adjustable angle for varying ceiling heights and desired intensity. Each Lumenizer® fixture can disinfect a 4m x 4m room.
Universally Applied.
For Everyday Life
Infinite Applications.
Where We Live, Work and Play.
From schools, to offices, to hospitals, to public transportation and everything in between, our product can be applied to virtually all spaces where we live, work and play.
Meet the Lumenizer
To learn more about the Lumenlabs’ patent-pending Lumenizer® 300 providing filtered germicidal ultraviolet Far-UVC (222nm wavelength) light visit our Products page.
Contact us.
Interested in purchasing, distributing or learning more about Lumenlabs? Send us a note – we look forward to hearing from you.